"A good diamond however small, is a possession to be prized for generations." - Harry Winston

Monday, April 1, 2013


The way rings should be worn

Can you believe that its April already, we can't.  What happened to February and March?  And what's making it harder to believe is that the weather is not feeling very spring like.  But it's here so we're going to celebrate it because APRIL is our BIRTH-IVERSARY.  All month we are going to have great opportunities to share favorite finds, give-a-ways and celebrations.


  1. "LIKE" us on Facebook
  2. Post pictures of your favorite jewelry gifts you've received on our Facebook page.  Tell us about the occasion, who gave it to you and if there is a story behind it. 
  3. Share with your friends and have them "LIKE" your post.  The person with the most "LIKES" at the end of the month will win an About Face Charm bracelet by one of my newest obsessions, Kris Nations Jewelry.

About Face Charm Cord Bracelet
Stay tuned for more Birth-iversary events through out the month.

~ Remember to make jewelry an everyday essential

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